showing 4 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar Pony Canyon (Newtopia Planning)1987 adv-deeds adv-intermediary adv-objects adv-static aerostat alcohol amoeboids axes beggars beholders bizarrecreatures blackpearls bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles bows cannons captives capturedresources children chiroptera chosenone crossbows cyclopes demonoids demons directionalforce directionalforce-wind dragons encounters-neutral encounters-popup encounters-seen europeanfae femaleprotagonist forest fromanotherworld garlic genderchoice ghosts giantinsects giantseahorses giantspiders gremlins group healingitems hiddenattributes horses hydrae inbuilttraps incendiarygrenades insects inventory karma knives liches lockpicking magic magicweapons meleeweapons mimics monsters mystics neutralnpcs ocean orcs otherworld pirates polearms present rats refwizardofoz resting resuscitation riding river rodents ruins sauroids scummvm-wip seaserpents shallowwater shopping shore skeletons slings snakes sorcery spectres staves subterranean swarmers swords teleporting thrownweapons tornados town traps treants tripeds trolls ultima ultimaageofenlightenment undead walking watercraft watercraft-medium wetland willowisps willowtrees windindicator xp-deeds xp-kills xp-literal xp-multi xp-objects labelimageminimize
Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny Pony Canyon (Infinity Co.)1990 blackpearls bows combatmode directionalforce-wind eviloverlord forest fromanotherworld garlic group inventory lawvsgood meleeweapons monsters otherworld riding shopping sorcery subterranean suppression swords town ultima ultimaageofenlightenment walking xp-kills labelimageminimize
The Magic Candle  Starcraft1991 city dwarves elves group halflings heroprotagonist humans hunger magiccandle-series mercenaries mystics resting saveram town labelimageminimize
Worlds of Ultima: The Savage Empire  Pony Canyon1992 allosaurus ankylosaurus apatosaurus deinonychus dimetrodon dinosaurs earth forest insectoids lostlands lostworld plesiosaur prehistoric-theme pteranodon scummvm-wip spoilertags stegosaurus town triceratops tropic tyrannosaurus u6engine ultima ultimawoa labelimageminimize